Design of the StartUp - Tech - Sharesies

The Design of the Startup series was videoed and provides a unique first-hand account from New Zealand design companies and their experiences working with StartUps.

In the quest to define value, designers and StartUps often find themselves asking the same question: What problem are we solving?

This shared understanding makes sense – design thinking and doing are actually baked into the DNA of StartUps.

VIDEO with presentation follows:

Sonya Williams 
Director & 3EO (co-CEO)

Sonya WIlliams, Sharesies

In the last four years, Wellington based Sharesies - New Zealand's first low-fee online share investing platform - have grown to over 350,000 users who have, collectively, invested over $1.4 billion. The fact that users who spend $5 get the same access as those investing $500,000 has lead many to see it as a democratising tool for the share market. Sonya Williams, went through the processes, ethos, design principles and decisions that have got them there as well as anecdotes, challenges, and learnings from this impressive journey. 

Thank you to Warren and Mahoney for the Venue

DINZ Interviews

When the opportunity arises, DINZ interviews leading designers from here and overseas. These interviews seek to dig beneath the surface to address the common and uncommon challenges, problems and opportunities the design community faces.